Write to Heal | 1 day workshop with Ali Norell POSTPONED
13. June 2020 | 10:00 - 17:00
Writing through grief, trauma, anxiety and doubt to find yourself and your voice.
Participants are asked to bring with them an image that they find inspiring, uplifting or motivating. This can be anything from a photograph, an image torn from a magazine or journal, or a picture they have drawn.
Who is this course for?
In today’s world, almost everyone has experienced some form of challenge, difficulty or insecurity. Some seek support through conventional or medical means, some choose talking therapies and others a more unconventional route. Some make the decision to plough on regardless, believing that it is better to ignore the issue and attempt to absorb it into daily life.
Whatever the issue, whatever the perceived cure everyone, consciously or unconsciously, is seeking healing.
As human beings, we are imbued with creativity but in a society that places heavy emphasis on hitting goals and reaching targets, we may find ourselves becoming further and further removed from the space to create. Many believe that they are ‘not very good at’ creativity: a statement which, for women in particular, rings hollow as all women are born with the option of bringing forth the ultimate creation: a child.
Following the sudden death of her baby daughter, Romy, Ali Norell felt that she had explored all options in an effort to move forward with her grief – until she came to writing. She has developed this course to share the valuable knowledge she has gained from using her writing to process painful thoughts and emotions. As it happened, pursuit of this practice lead to Ali being offered a publishing contract for her book, The Truth Inside (O Books, 2019), but even before this it afforded her an opportunity to find the space and freedom to believe in her own creativity.
This course is for anyone experiencing any level of challenge or trauma, for those who live with depression, self-doubt or anxiety and for those who simply feel ‘stuck’ and wish to free themselves to move forward.
What are its aims?
You are invited to take a leap of faith to commit words – any words – to paper. Through the use of guided visualisation, vision boards, journalling, writing prompts and techniques – including Freefall Writing – and sharing of her own work, Ali will support you to find and express your own voice. With no obligation to share, you will be encouraged to release thoughts, feelings and negativity through the written word and so unlock your creative potential and self-confidence.
Through learning how to write ‘on purpose’ you may allow yourself to create the space to live the life you truly desire.
Ali will share a mix of influences and techniques that she uses to inspire her own work and creative process. She has drawn on her experience as a healer, an author and a psychic medium, as well as a passion for art and creativity, to put together a programme to draw out your creative voice.
The session will begin with brief introductions and a guided meditation to relax and allow us to open up our creativity. It will then move on to create a vision board (which may be taken away as a work in progress) and look at the use of the Tarot – a much-misunderstood medium- as a tool for gaining insight and inspiration.
Ali will guide you through writing exercises using prompts, after which you will have the opportunity to share and discuss your work, or not. She will share a little of her own work with you and the session will close with a brief group healing session.